1 dans le sens de : amener à bonne fin en travaillant. Then the fruit of the Spirit will be evident. — Dennis J.
This makes Christianity just a list of do’s and don’ts.” This negates verse 13. He understood their value, but was willing to sacrifice them in the service of a higher value—the salvation of humankind.We know what it means to empty something. Trying has its place, but that is not where it comes in. So there is a sense in which Christ emptied himself, but retained something of Godly power.To understand the full import of “emptied himself,” we must first start with what Christ was prior to his emptying—he was “in the form of God” (v. 6a)—equal with God (v. 6b). 2:13). But it brings Him great pleasure when we receive it and enter the joys of His home. I do not dispute as to the name, but as to the thing itself. But say with Paul, "I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me his own" (Php 3:12In his discussion on "step #4 ACT with humble confidence in God's help" on prayer This might seem so obvious that it wouldn't need mentioning. You might be a factory worker, a school teacher, or an executive. Work out what He works in.Deeper than the body, deeper than the soul with intellect, imagination, and volition, lies the spirit, and into the spirit of man the Spirit of God comes, bringing the germ of the nature of the risen Christ, so that the Holy Spirit reproduces it within us. The only time you don't want to fail is the last time you try." A physical power cannot act on the will. This is the heart of New Testament ethics. Try it for 30 days FREE.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:16, Paul says that God has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace. But the Lord is always working in us "both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Phil. It shows submission to a higher power.• The angelic host will sing his praises in heaven.• People (and possible all living beings) will bow their knee on earth. This verse assures us that God will help us.
Le premier verset du chapitre 2 parait être une allusion à l’aide matérielle transmise par les Philippiens à Paul par l’intermédiaire d’Épaphrodite. That’s an act of worship.Psalm 5:4 says: “You are not a god who takes pleasure in wickedness.” But Psalm 147:11 says: “The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy.”Hebrews 10 says that the Lord takes no pleasure in sacrifices and burnt offerings, but in those who come to do His will.Finally, the Lord takes pleasure when we practice His presence. Here are three suggestions for turning failure into success:Take the natural longing for physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy. This is where He is, and this is where He works.This important statement will yield much light if we will but subject it to four simple questions. He may find it necessary at times to do some pruning (disciplining), but this is ever "for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness" (Heb 12:10).
Commentaire simple; Philippiens; Philippiens 2:12-30; Philippiens 2:12-30. There is a sense in which we are saved from guilt and the wrath of God directly we come to the Cross; but there is a sense also in which our salvation from the power of sin will not be complete until we stand before God in perfect beauty, and in that sense we have to work it out. If we diligently guard our minds and emotions, we will see the Holy Spirit working in us to conform our wills to His own (Php 2:12, 13)…The Bible speaks to us primarily through our reason, and this is why it is so vitally important for our minds to be constantly brought under its influence. An example would be a fire fighter who risks his/her life to enter a burning building to rescue a child. (Pray for the Spirit of God. We didn’t deserve it, but Christ put us and our condition above his own.
However, it was another thing to trust Believers are partners with God, laboring together with Him.