A Kite Sisters Women´s Kiteboarding Camp is a whole experience of traveling, learning, empowerment while you treat yourself with a deluxe package; where everything is taken care and you can just trust and immerse in your holidays and in Kitesurfing. Lessons are available whenever there is wind and bookings are essential.Want exceptional kitesurfing lessons?
During summer months, a short or long sleeve top, neoprene vest (optional), a surf shorts (summer wetsuit) and sun BLOCK cream will be enough. We offer the highest standard of kiteboarding tuition to meet your needs. Our kitesurfing instructors are all qualified and our lessons are based on standards.Lessons run til 8pm for after work and school convenience (daylight permitting)Option to learn between our three teaching locationsStay connected, give us your e-mail, we promise no spam! Private Lesson 2 Hours Course. (nyckiteboarding.com) There are monthly Kite Drinks in Manhattan - every second Wednesday of the month - where you will meet other kiteboarders and can share your passion for the sport.
Any unused funds from a purchased gift card will be credited to your account and will remain eligible with us for up to 12 months from the original date of purchase. If you are coming at a time other than summer, make sure to bring a wetsuit, booties and gloves. Want to know more about your first class? 6 4 6 - 4 1 6 - 1 3 3 7. Forum for kitesurfers. uKite.Pro is a kitesurfing school that was born in Boracay and now, moved to New York. During summer months, a short or long sleeve top, neoprene vest (optional), a surf shorts (summer wetsuit) and sun BLOCK cream will be enough. Upwind, transitions, basic jumps correction. Gear not included - Riders have their own equipment.Take Q or B train to Sheepshead Bay Station, from there the easiest way is to take car service, usually there are a few cars waiting for passengers near the train station,  the cost is approximately $5 (as of last year). Tell them Plumb beach rest area along Belt Parkway, off Emmons Avenue. After Knapp Street exit (you need to pass this exit and keep on Belt Parkway) keep right and follow the signs for Rest Area, the right lane will be widening and then will split into separate lane leading into a parking lot.Take Knapp street exit, keep in left lane,make a left turn on Knapp street and then left again onto Emmons Avenue,  that will bring you to the road to Rest Area, take Rest Area exit. Basically you are doing U-turn from the exit since entrance to Plum Beach is from the Eastern side of Belt Parkway.Quality kiteboarding coaching for all levels Excellent customer service and aftercareWe can teach you everything you need to know and do to become an independent and confident kiteboarder.Our students gain a working knowledge of all aspects of safety involved in this powerful sport.  We adhere strictly to standards.NY Kiteboarding SCHOOL offers packages for everyone. If you use sunglasses make sure they have straps; if the straps have something (foam etc) to make glasses float, then it is better. Sold by the box. Take your skiing and snowboarding skills in a whole new direction by adding a power kite into the mix and you'll find … Take a snowkiting lesson with Kite Club New York this season and you'll find you have even more reason to love winter with this new and exciting sport. If you use sunglasses make sure they have straps; if the straps have something (foam etc) to make glasses float, then it is better. Our location on the Great South Bay in Amitville, NY is shallow and flat for miles!