VS Rody Racing Engines 과 이탈리아산 연료 Runner Time 연료입니다. The new and exclusive VS Racing VSR03 super long stroke .21 on-road engine is based on the very powerful O.S. The new and exclusive VS Racing VSR04 super long stroke .21 on-road engine is based on the very powerful O.S. We are still in testing to get our "program" solidly in Reply Subscribe . ON-ROAD 1/8 . Use of this site indicates your consent to the Terms of Use. Join Date: Aug 2007. Tech Champion . By logging into your account, you agree to our I know that 'don't chime in' is exactly what some folks want, since they have a pact to keep all the secrets to themselves..I never assumed that you all did not already know the causes of the different runtime results, and then some, but I always find resistance when I am chiming in to hopefully get the world champions to reveal a little bit of what they know here...If it is information reserved to a closed circle of friends, please let us in the public know or PM yourselves rather than putting it in the public section.....How can newbies be interested in racing 1/8th scale with Rody engines when you tell them off here on the public forum ??? The VSR04 is … Speed R2103 and is an extraction of the worldfamous OS Max precision and technology together with some addional 'Rody' touch and development , equipped with a VS Spec combustion chamber. If you can not run close to the same laptimes as the topdrivers, you do not have to focus on the engine bearings..... Last year I had to change the … Just a tip if you have the r2101 with the black smaller head like mine it comes with the 16% button so I bought a standard os 25% button but its bigger then the head so I had mine milled down to size, just saying this so no one try's to use that button and put the head on u will break the bottom of the head... Rody VS Racing Engines - Onroad Motors. Wenn Sie auf der Seite weitersurfen stimmen Sie der Cookie-Nutzung zu. VS Racing Engines by Rody Roem Wir verwenden Cookies, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu gewährleisten. Le nouveau et exclusif VS Racing VSB02 longue course.21, moteur Tout Terrain a pour base le très puissant OS Speed 21XZ-B, dont la précision, la fiabilité et la technologie sont m ondialement reconnues, avec en plus une petite touche de développement 'Rody'.
Onroad Nitro Engine Zone - Rody VS Racing Engines - Onroad Motors - Originally Posted by bertrandsv87 I know that 'don't chime in' is exactly what some folks want, since they have a pact to keep all the secrets to themselves..I never assumed that you all did not already know the causes of the different runtime results, Notre boutique utilise des cookies pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et nous vous recommandons d'accepter leur utilisation pour profiter pleinement de votre navigation. [QUOTE = 08/01 Fan IC; 15461870] ver post # 253 ... [/ QUOTE]@Rody: Hi Rody, just get from a friend your OS GT Rody tuned engine with VS 2115 pipe, really happy to get this bad boy for my Xray GTX8 . We made the decision to use only the best equipment and to run Rody's motors. 우루곰은 올해 VS Rody Racing엔진, 그리고 러너타임 연료와 이번시즌을 함께하게 되었습니다.
By logging into your account, you agree to our Speed R2101. RB엔진에 있던 이프마 월드챔피언 Rody가 OS엔진을 베이스로 한 튜닝엔진을 만들었습니다.
VS Rody Racing Engines. The new and exclusive VS Racing 2101B long-stroke .21 off-road racing engine is a combination of world-famous O.S. The engine is equipped with a special VS-specific combustion chamber, lightweight head, Roem’s “Bi-Turbo” crankshaft, and more to produce linear power and improved fuel … VS RACING VSR04. The VS Racing 2102R Competition On-Road Engine is a super long stroke .21 on-road engine is based on the powerful O.S. Onroad Nitro Engine Zone - Rody VS Racing Engines - Onroad Motors - Four months ago, our group know as Empire Racing, came out of retirement - for me it was a 10 year break. Il est équipé d' une chambre de combustion spécifique VS, une vilebrequin VS avec DLC coating, une nouvelle chemise 5 … @Rody: Hi Rody, just get from a friend your OS GT Rody tuned engine with VS 2115 pipe, really happy to get this bad boy for my Xray GTX8 . clutch setup, gearing, belt tightness, drivetrain mass/efficiency, etc... Thanks for your enlightening support, and now I know which engine never to own, even if they are free......Cheers.....I know that 'don't chime in' is exactly what some folks want, since they have a pact to keep all the secrets to themselves..I never assumed that you all did not already know the causes of the different runtime results, and then some, but I always find resistance when I am chiming in to hopefully get the world champions to reveal a little bit of what they know here...If it is information reserved to a closed circle of friends, please let us in the public know or PM yourselves rather than putting it in the public section.....How can newbies be interested in racing 1/8th scale with Rody engines when you tell them off here on the public forum ???