Laissez le NRJ Spa Nordique, l'espace de quelques heures, vous offrir une expérience de ressourcement au grand air. QuintEssence’s theme, conceived by NRJ Spa Nordique and developed and designed by Float4, was inspired by the five elements of nature. Venez vivre uneexpérience magiqueet relaxante au bord du Lac Sartigan, en plein coeur de la forêt québécoise! With QuintEssence, NRJ Spa Nordique transcends the boundaries of hospitality, service and entertainment to inspire communication between the spa’s natural surroundings and its guests.QuintEssence has a unique technological infrastructure, ranging from lasers in a Turkish bath, to a fountain unit for the water projections. Avec l’expérience QuintEssence, NRJ Spa Nordique vous propose un voyage vivifiant et purifiant à la rencontre des cinq éléments et de leurs mystères. Profitez des spas, des saunas dans le circuit traditionnel d'hydrothérapie!TOUS LES VENDREDIS ET SAMEDIS AVEC L'ACHAT D'UN ACCÈS DE SOIR 44$+TXPartez à la recherche du mystérieux cinquième élément dans un parcours où la salle de spectacle est dans les spas, les saunas et aires de détente extérieures et intérieures.Des départs sont prévus à toutes les 15 minutes, tous les vendredis et samedis dès 20h00. To give autonomy back to the client, Float4 created a technical system for the show that is easy to control, start and troubleshoot for NRJ Spa Nordique employees.
Vivez les bienfaits du spa nordique, du sauna finlandais, du sauna humide hammam et complétez l'expérience par un massage pour votre plus grand bien-être. NRJ Spa Nordique enlisted Float4 to integrate projection and video mapping and lasers into the spa’s natural scenery, including onto a water fountain screen in the middle of Lac Sartigan.After examining the spa’s offers, its built and natural surroundings, and its clientele, Float4 identified sensory points within their customer’s journey to integrate a narrative digital show. 5 éléments, 5 zones de projections et de scénographie (sons, lumières) Une expérience unique au monde. Given the unpredictable nature of Quebec’s weather, as well as the size of the project’s setting, Float4 had to ensure its longevity and durability. I’ve only been to the NRJ Nordique Spa once and it was for my wife’s birthday. Creatively, Float4 was enlisted to design five projection mapping and laser shows that were soothing for visitors, and incorporated the spa’s natural environment.A metal housing system with a built-in temperature control was developed for QuintEssence. 18 views; 10 months ago; 1:25.
Quintessence NRJ SPA NORDIQUE - explicatif - Duration: 110 seconds. 156 views; 10 months ago; 0:46. NRJ Quintessence Fix 45Sec V1 - Duration: 46 seconds. Let me tell you, getting into the 0 Celsius water wasn’t easy, but it did absolutely add to the experience.
Nous sommes situés AU LAC SARTIGAN, en beauce. Float4 collaborated with La Hacienda for sound conception, and Solotech and Laser Quantum for the laser shows to create a unique, fully automated and synchronized experience. Many of QuintEssence’s technological concepts are the first in the thermal hospitality industry. QuintEssence is a multi-sensory and multimedia hydrotherapy nighttime spectacle, a unique digital experience creating a symbiosis between the spa’s services and the customer’s senses. QuintEssence’s theme, conceived by NRJ Spa Nordique and developed and designed by Float4, was inspired by the five elements of nature.
Don’t … Parcours nocturne créé dans un spa nordique! The creative team played with pacing, sound and colour to guarantee a calming sensation for guests.
Located on the banks of Lac Sartigan, NRJ Spa Nordique offers a variety of spa experiences.Its services range from hot spas, to Hammam steam bath, from Finnish saunas to cold water basins with waterfalls.The client wanted to keep the spa open in the evenings and to incorporate a digital experience among the spa’s services. Depending on the digital show and its elemental challenges, the housing system was modified to fit that specific show’s needs.