“We looked for a long time”, added Melanie, “to see if we could not have another glimpse of her”, but the Beautiful Lady had disappeared forever.The little shepherdess then remarked to her companion: “Perhaps it was a great Saint”. This unfortunate practice of the boy had the dual effect of propagating a false apocalypse that to this day is ascribed to Maximin, as well as perhaps damaging the seer’s credibility regarding his authentic revelation. This false apocalypse circulated under the title of
We can hardly fail to see that this is exactly what happened in the postwar era, especially after the upheavals of 1968 that ended de Gaulle’s presidency and ushered in an era of moral relativism and irreligion unprecedented in Christian Europe and America.
She exhorts them to pray Far from scandalizing us, Our Lady's strongly worded reproach should prick our consciences. Near this little fountain the two children layed down on the grass and fell asleep. As Maximin put it, “She was like a mama whom her own children had beaten and who had escaped to the mountain to weep.” The beautiful Lady was tall and seemed to be made of light. This tract contained prophecies that were either in tension with the Catholic faith, as in its assertion that Rome would apostatize, or, more commonly, proven to be historically false in the course of time. Against this latter possibility, we should count the consistent testimony of M. Dausse and all others who knew the Maximin throughout his life, and attested to his unassuming simplicity and guilelessness. Hence she instinctively turned towards Maximin to ask for an explanation, but the Beautiful Lady forestalled her.“Ah, my children, you do not understand?
Since far more than a hundred years have passed, we must conclude either that the birth of the Antichrist was intended, in which case he lives today, or, more soberly, that this final calamity has been deferred to a time known only to the Father, consistent with Christian revelation on such matters.
Unlike Maximin’s secret, this is a conditional prophecy, so we need not expect all that is related to occur if the people repent, as did the Ninevites in the book of Jonah. Fully reassured by these words the children hurried to meet her. with. Hence, first thing in the morning, the two children descended to the village of La Salette to tell their story to the pastor, Father Jacques Perrin. Few copies of the 1879 tract were circulated, and it was published again more widely in 1904. She corrected the first version, written a few days earlier, in order to clarify that the judgments against Paris and Marseilles were not simultaneous, but completely distinct events. En résumé, le Ciel nous demande de prier en récitant notre chapelet tous les jours et de ne plus offenser Notre-Seigneur en respectant la loi divine. The Lady also took a few steps towards them.They looked at her and noticed that she did not cease weeping all the time she spoke to them. The judgments against Paris and Marseilles may be found in some form in actual history.
The message was approved by the Catholic Church and was published in its entirety at Lecce. And he recalled to him the episode of the spoiled wheat at the Coin farm and the piece of bread he gave his son as they walked back to Corps. Should not that also be our reply?
When Christ will say that ‘everything is subjected’, this clearly cannot include the One who subjected it to him.
The last element of the prophecy is a prediction that the Antichrist will be born of a nun and be worshipped as a heavenly figure. What are we doing with our dignity as children of God when we waste food and other things, when we squander goods which others desperately need? At the same time it arouses our attention.
Her garments, like those of Christ on the mount of the Transfiguration, are likewise resplendent with light: her headdress, robe, long apron and peasant woman's shawl.All the light comes from the large crucifix she bears on her breast.
All this M. Giraud, just like his thoughtless son, had forgotten. The rest work on Sunday all summer; then in the winter, when they know not what to do, they go to Mass only to mock at religion. If the people do not repent of their ways, there will be famine, but if they convert, there will be miraculous abundance.
La Salette is famous for an apparition of the Virgin Mary on September 19, 1846, to two shepherd children, eleven year old, Pierre-Maximin Giraud, and fourteen year old, Françoise-Mélanie Calvat-Mathieu.
The disrespect for the seventh day sends us back to the two first books of the Bible, Genesis and Exodus. “We were drinking her words”, they would say later, adding, “she wept all the time she spoke to us”.“Come near, my children, be not afraid; I am here to tell you great news.“For how long a time do I suffer for you!
At first I was afraid and did not dare to go and fetch my bread which was near her, but she said to us: ‘Come near, my children, do not be afraid, I am here to tell you great news’”.The boy then related the story of the Apparition, hardly pausing for breath.