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Chico was then tasked to have sex with Paz or else he'd be "strung up next." Koi no Yokushiryoku cover (Paz's schoolgirl dress is fused with the cover, while the coversheet has her in her underwear).A demo version was also found in the files of the game, which is similar, however, the lyrics are different most notably at the start and the middle of the verses, as well as the singer being different (not Nana Mizuki), due to it being probably a test version before the final version was recorded, additionally the vocals are slightly deeper and more echoed and there are long segments that are music only with different instruments as well.It is shown in the "Paz's Diary" Briefing files that it was actually "Koi no Yokushiryoku" can also be gotten from the PlayStation Network account on Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. will also have Paz fall asleep. If interrogated, she claims that she has nothing to hide, insisting that Snake believe her, reiterate her identity as Paz, claim Snake is hurting her and release her, before eventually admitting she stole rations from Mother Base before begging Snake to release her. Enfin, une arme permettant de faire apparaitre une image de Snake en carton, afin de distraire les ennemis, fait son apparition. Unveiling her allegiance to Cipher, Paz's true nature was significantly different and far more calculating.Despite expressing an initial dislike towards Big Boss, Paz expressed an understanding towards his beliefs in one of her tapes; in which she shared his view in regards to war and humanity's desire for conflict. She was popular among the Diamond Dogs on Mother Base as well as among various elite soldiers, as evidenced by their using her poster on the Command Platform. However, she knew this peace would not last. Paz does make an appearance in The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker est un ... Huey Emmerich : Scientifique concepteur de Metal Gear et père d'Otacon et d'Emma. The Paz Show, a TV show featuring Paz the Penguin. Chico was forced into torturing Paz. Paz Ortega Andrade, real name Pacifica Ocean, was a Cipher agent who infiltrated the Militaires Sans Frontières during the Peace Walker Incident in 1974. In Ground Zeroes, it's revealed that she indeed survived and was found by a Belizean fisherman. Paz's model viewer, upon gaining an S-rank/gaining the bikini top, front.Paz's model viewer, upon gaining an S-rank/gaining the bikini top, back.Paz and Chico along with Paz's adopted pet cat, Nuke.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He was well-read and possessed a vast array of scientific knowledge. Paz : une jeune fille qui croit en la paix et qui vient requérir l'aide de Snake. Paz initially did not wish to speak to Chico in fear that Skull Face would use him as leverage against her. In addition, attacking Paz even once ends with an automatic mission failure (which is depicted with Paz storming away, and Snake, during the game over sequence, attempting to apologize to Paz in the Game Over style). This developed attachment would extend during her interrogation under Skull Face, as Paz willingly chose to side with Big Boss over her former employer Zero; in which she revealed information about Zero, under the belief that it would save Big Boss. After several days, Paz gave up Zero's location, thinking that it would save Big Boss.Shortly afterwards, Skull Face, after taunting Chico about the minimal chances he had of escaping the facility and the American-owned soil, with neither the Cubans nor the Americans aiding him, promised to let him and Paz go only if he submitted to interrogation. Possessing pale skin and a perm, Paz was highly aware of her youthful appearance, as she intentionally posed as a teenager to play the convincing role of the "child of peace." Paz was an idol model and likely singer that was featured on several posters during the 1980s.