items. This means that child nodes can be returned safely without extra nodes added to the DOM.

Create a new functional component and call it Reference this new component in the DOM by including it and importing it in the main In order not to get any errors, make sure to remove the paragraph element in the When you save all the files, you will see the elements you expected rendered in the browser.

In the above example, the However, if we later change which fields are included in the Fragments are useful for including an identical set of fields across multiple GraphQL operations. submitComment(postFullName: $postFullName, commentContent: $commentContent) { commentCount To do so, we can simply share a fragment describing the fields we need for a comment: We put the fragment on CommentsPage.fragments.comment by con… Short syntax. possibleTypes { This way we can be sure that we render consistent comment objects as the data changes. Open your browser at The array technique is a good solution but a memory inefficient solution, as it requires rendering extra elements in the DOM.

...VoteButtonsFragment html_url postedBy {

You have also seen how they contribute to ensuring we keep building accessible applications.

{ full_name

} mutation SubmitComment($postFullName: String!, $commentContent: String!) } { In instances like rendering lists items where we use extra elements like Some months ago, React version 16.2 was released, it shipped with this new feature that helped to address this accessibility problem called fragments. Fragment acts a wrapper without adding unnecessary divs to the DOM. import React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component { render() { return ( <> Just a text node ); } } Babel 7, which is still in beta at the time of this writing, is needed for this shorthand syntax to be properly transpiled to the equivalent. id} > < dt > {item.

This tag can be a When you save all the files, you will see the elements as expected rendered in the browser. map (item => (// Without the `key`, React will fire a key warning < React.Fragment key = {item. However, version 16 of React brought the addition of Fragment, which makes this no longer necessary. } name

Fragments let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM — There is also a shorthand syntax you might have noticed in some of my React tutorials, they look like this:If you take the very first illustration we addressed which is Save the file and take a look at the element inspection in the developer tools, you will notice the beautiful power of fragments.The elements appear in the DOM exactly as they are in the presentation and no longer contain any extra elements.
query Comment($postName: String!)

In order to run JSX code and get it compiled, it must have one parent HTML element, and the rest of the elements should be child elements of that parent element. login } items. kind

import createFragment from 'react-addons-create-fragment'; // ES6 var createFragment = require ('react-addons-create-fragment'); // ES5 with npm Overview In most cases, you can use the key prop to specify keys on the elements you’re returning from render . name } entry(postFullName: $postName) { A fragment includes a subset of the fields that are declared for its associated type. Fragments declared with the explicit syntax may have keys.

// src/Fragment.js import React from 'react' function Fragment { return ( <> < h2 > Learning about fragments < p > fragments are super amazing ) } export default Fragment.

__schema {

Save the file and take a look at the element inspection in the developer tools, you will notice the beautiful power of fragments.