We can do this using anotherapproach.Let’s jump directly to the example, where we will create a simple form along with two input boxes and one submit button.It seems like a huge file, so let’s discuss each and everything about this component.First of all, we have two different state variables along with the default value.The specific table row will only be rendered if the condition will be At last, we have an additional two buttons with the event attached, which are used to trigger an action by providing the unique string that identifies which button was clicked.We have two use cases.
What I can tell you is that there are huge differences between the two of those methods. You just need a width transition, since the width CSS property is defined on both the col-xs-2 and col-xs-12 classes. One you could actually write without the eval and without getting any errors. Trigger a function that toggles the isHidden value between true and false 3. change these two functions to the following: _onPageClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation() if (this.refs.contextMenu.getDOMNode() !== e.target){ this.contextMenu.setState({contextMenuLocation: ''}); } }, componentDidMount: function(){ this.contextMenu = this.refs.contextMenu; document.addEventListener('click', this._onPageClick) }, all we have to do is to move _onPageClick from the wrapper div to a listener on the document. A simple solution would...

The parent component should pass a callback to the children, and each child would trigger that callback when its state changes. React.Component is a plain javascript function, since es6 classes are syntactic sugar around them.

If you are adding elements to the list and handling the new immutable collections that are returned, then you need the immutable list. This tutorial explains how to hide and show Text Component in react native application on button click. Hence, props can also be used to hide or show a component.For example, if we pass props, based on the props value, we can hide or show the elements, just like in the below example.Here in this example, the props we have declared is called In this example, we have used props from the parent component and will show or hide the This is another approach to hide or show different elements based on the condition or the variable’s value. Click to hide Demo3 component If I understand your situation correctly, the easiest thing to do is create a "base" component that you inherit from. Since next refers to next sibling just get the parents sibling like so: if($(this).is(":checked")) { $(this).parent().parent().next().show(); } else { $(this).parent().parent().next().hide(); } ... You need to move it to its own Route inside a Route with handler={ApplicationIndex}.

You need to close the input element with a /> at the end.

It all depends on a context. Hiding and showing any component in react native application is very easy and simple, just we need to use state object in react native component.
With that said, the code below accomplishes what you want as well. But what if we want to hide or show a component frequently?All these files are child components, or independent components we are going to use into a parent component called In state objects, we have three different Boolean variables with From the button click event, we will get a string that identifies which button is clicked. Try it also on JSFiddle var Child = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( I'm the child ); } }); var ShowHide = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function { return { …

If you use value the component becomes a controlled component and the value cannot be altered. If so then you need to think more in components.

You're accessing the products variable from inside your map function, when instead you should be using the product parameter that is passed to it. Instead, one way would be to pass a callback to the Modal: OptionsChooser = React.createClass({ onOptionSelect: function(data) { }, render: function() { return } }); Modal = React.createClass({ onClose: function() { var selectedOptions = this.state.selectedOptions; this.props.onClose(selectedOptions); },... You could use JSON.parse. Also createClass takes objects so each method should be separated by a comma. console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(questionGlobal))); When using eval() it is required that you pass a valid JS statement. Inside the callback you pass to .map, this refers to the global object, not the component. Yeah, you don't want to use refs like this really. Just like regular functions, functional components can have multiple return values. Hide Show Component Using