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Find another word for conclusion. Nombre de lettres. As a conclusion, In brief, In total, Once and for all, On the whole, On a final note, In a word, At long last, After all, Generally, By way of conclusion, As can be seen, Sum up the main points, For the most part, In a nutshell, Draw the conclusion, All in all, Sooner or later, As a … They Learn many other ways to say in conclusion with example sentences. Conclusion en 5 lettres; Conclusion en 6 lettres; Conclusion en 8 lettres; Conclusion en 9 lettres; Conclusion en 10 lettres; ... Rechercher. Synonyms (Other Words) for In conclusion & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for In conclusion. Learn different ways to say I …In Conclusion Synonym: 50 Other Ways to Say IN CONCLUSION (Opposite) A useful list of opposite words (opposites) from … Common job interview questions and answers! Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de conclusion proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais Reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes des mots anglais : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase, Merriam Webster, Longman... bitter end, close, completion, end, finale, finish, result, terminationconsequence, culmination, end result, issue, outcome, result, sequel, upshotagreement, conviction, decision, deduction, inference, judgment, opinion, resolution, settlement, verdictDictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-ThesaurusWhen you come to a conclusion, you decide that something is true after you have thought about it carefully and have considered all the relevant facts.Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician..., I have tried to give some idea of how I feelother people will no doubt draw their own conclusions.At the conclusion of the programme, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me.The conclusion of a treaty or a business deal is the act of arranging it or agreeing it....the expected conclusion of a free-trade agreement between Mexico and the United States.You can refer to something that seems certain to happen as a foregone conclusion.It was a foregone conclusion that I would end up in the same business as him...You say `in conclusion' to indicate that what you are about to say is the last thing that you want to say.In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.If you say that someone jumps to a conclusion, you are critical of them because they decide too quickly that something is true, when they do not know all the facts.I didn't want her to jump to the conclusion that the divorce was in any way her fault...Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais pour Apprenantsresult of a legal proceeding (American); considered take a decision based on one's subjective conclusions, when objective evidence is not available Définition ou synonyme. A wedding anniversary is a very happy time … List of Other Ways to Say It’s Interesting or It’s … Antonym! In summary, it is difficult for this writer to recommend this book.

In this article, we are going to … Words to Use Instead of VERY! List of other ways to say in conclusion in English with ESL picture. Synonyms for as a conclusion at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. 5 You say `in conclusion' to indicate that what you are about to say is the last thing that you want to say. Learn many other ways to say in conclusion with example sentences. ; All things considered, your article is of great value. It is used to prepare the people listening or reading for your final statement.

; All in all, it has been a great success. In conclusion is used at the end of essays, speeches, dissertations, books, etc. Learn How to Avoid … Anniversary wishes! What does In Conclusion mean? ♦ in conclusion phrase PHR with cl In conclusion, walking is a … Going for a job … I Don’t Know Synonym! Proposer une autre traduction/définition

In conclusion, the true goal of the poet’s expression will forever remain a mystery to us. In conclusion means to provide a final argument. In Conclusion Synonyms with Examples. Happy birthday Sister! Find descriptive alternatives for as a conclusion. Dictionnaire Anglais-Synonymes : traduire du Anglais à Synonymes avec nos dictionnaires en ligne

; At the end of the day, he’ll still have to make his own decision. 77 synonyms of conclusion from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 96 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Retrouver la définition du mot conclusionavec le Larousse A lire également la définition du terme conclusionsur le ptidico.com Vous souhaitez rejeter cette entrée : veuillez indiquer vos commentaires (mauvaise traduction/définition, entrée dupliquée, …). In Conclusion Synonym! Cherchez conclusion et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de Reverso. ; As a result, services have been drastically reduced. Learn these synonyms for in conclusion to improve your vocabulary and fluency in English.List of 50 synonyms for in conclusion in English.