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look up. contemporary, current, existent, existing, extant, immediate, instant, present-dayaccounted for, at hand, available, here, in attendance, near, nearby, ready, there, to handhere and now, now, present moment, the time being, this day and age, todayfor a while, for the moment, for the nonce, for the time being, in the meantime, not for long, provisionally, temporarilyDictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-Thesaurusdemonstrate, display, exhibit, give, mount, put before the public, put on, show, stageadduce, advance, declare, expound, extend, hold out, introduce, offer, pose, produce, proffer, put forward, raise, recount, relate, state, submit, suggest, tenderaward, bestow, confer, donate, entrust, furnish, give, grant, hand out, hand over, offer, proffer, put at (someone's) disposalboon, bounty, donation, endowment, favour, gift, grant, gratuity, hand-out, largesse or largess, offering, prezzieDictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-ThesaurusHe has brought much of the present crisis on himself..., It has been skilfully renovated by the present owners..., No statement can be made at the present time.The present is the period of time that we are in now and the things that are happening now....his struggle to reconcile the past with the present., ...continuing right up to the present..., Then her thoughts would switch to the present.A situation that exists at present exists now, although it may change.There is no way at present of predicting which individuals will develop the disease..., At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.The present day is the period of history that we are in now....Western European art from the period of Giotto to the present day.Something that exists or will be done for the present exists now or will continue for a while, although the situation may change later.The ministers had expressed the unanimous view that sanctions should remain in place for the present.Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais pour ApprenantsThe president was not present at the meeting..., Nearly 85 per cent of men are present at the birth of their children..., The whole family was present.If something, especially a substance or disease, is present in something else, it exists within that thing.This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk...Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais pour ApprenantsThe carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister..., I bought a birthday present for my mother..., This book would make a great Christmas present.Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais pour ApprenantsThe mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception...The group intended to present this petition to the parliament.Then came the presentation of the awards by the Queen Mother.If something presents a difficulty, challenge, or opportunity, it causes it or provides it.This presents a problem for many financial consumers...Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.If an opportunity or problem presentsitself, it occurs, often when you do not expect it.Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself...We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms...We presented three options to the unions for discussion...In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.The government has presented these changes as major reforms...In Europe, Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light.The way you present yourself is the way you speak and act when meeting new people....all those tricks which would help him to present himself in a more confident way in public.If someone or something presents a particular appearance or image, that is how they appear or try to appear.The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight...In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality....presenting a calm and dignified face to the world at large.If you present yourself somewhere, you officially arrive there, for example for an appointment.She was told to present herself at the Town Hall at 11.30 for the induction ceremony...If someone presents a programme on television or radio, they introduce each item in it.She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC.When someone presents something such as a production of a play or an exhibition, they organize it.The Lyric Theatre is presenting a new production of `Over the Bridge'.Fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack...Allow me to present my wife's cousin, Mr Zachary Colenso.Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais pour Apprenants[rare] Ex.
Ex: He sent her an e-mail after googling her name and finding her weblog. Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de present proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais Reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes des mots anglais : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase, Merriam Webster, Longman... Change your default dictionary to American English. Copyright © 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers.

0.6%. homely. "The end of the world is nigh upon us"1. a person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing 2. English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries Ex2: Your brakes are a little hinky and you should get them replaced[subj: poiicemen] to herd [demonstrators] into a compact group in order to control their movements1. a new employee who is able to start work without too much induction and training[Comp.];[Bus.] (usually of a person) lacking in intelligence, common sense, or just in general awareness; clumsy or idiotic.