He hit upon the idea of making his Instagram public. Everyone is asked to work a maximum of 4 hours each day at the Foundation, and can spend the remaining time observing, asking questions, or further learning about our kids.We send monthly newsletters about our rescues, habitats + more! Of course, as the sun rises and sets, his Instagram exploded to what it is today. We tried to reason with him and didn’t expose him for a long time because we thought he was just foolish and not trying to be cruel. No, they are not a legitimate sanctuary. How can he say he is against these animals being pets when he contributes to the market by buying them? If somehow he would listen to experts on this case the foundation would be so great!
He’s a very sad, small and egotistical person. But I don’t think he’s only in it for the glory – he genuinely seems to think he’s “saving the world” by “rescuing” every circus cub in Mexico.Sadly, like so many animal hoarders, he can’t see the harm he’s doing.
When he realized he was sitting on a “fame” goldmine, he upped the videos and started using the word “rescue.” You see, up until that point, he was using the word “adopt.” It just didn’t have the same impact, nor did it pull on the heartstrings of the public in the same way the word “rescue” did. A big cat literally has no need to ever be held by human hands. He has single handedly destroyed the lives of the animals he “rescues”. The Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation.
But he seems pretty hateful towards people, as for how he treats his “kids”…I haven’t seen any signs of abuse but I’m going to continue watching his live feed.He certainly has a ton of minions who troll anyone who says ANYTHING negative on his Facebook page.Well written article. There has to be something that can be done. Serio states that he does not spay or neuter his animals. This is the sort of objective gaze with which conservation must be viewed, with the questions of “How does this animal, and future wild populations benefit from what’s going on?” and “Is this being done for the animal alone?” always in the back of your mind. First with a Jaguar, Cielo, then a lion, Karma and a tiger, Tieris. The Black Jaguar Foundation pursues one clear objective: planting indigenous trees on a massive scale to help realize the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor in order to improve the lives of each of us and of all future generations on our planet. But Serio uses the hashtag #protectjaguars and claims that his video of himself playing with his pet somehow promotes “conservation”. He has no knowledge whatsoever of the care these animals need. We don’t think so for the reasons listed below.Sadly, it’s starting to become popular among animal lovers, despite their extremely unprofessional practices. There is no legal definition of a “sanctuary” in Mexico. If you meet all of our requirements, then continue on to fill out our application form.
While he seems to have good Serio appears to “rescue” his animals by buying them from circuses and private zoos, usually as young cubs. The officials were quite impressed with his fame and social media standing. Excellent, common sense 2019 article, about how Black Jaguar White Tiger gets their cubs for celebrities and rich people to pet. If his cats are being taken such good care of than these very innocent questions or comments should not be so threatening. My best guess for the reason, given his other opinions, is that he probably believes that it is “cruel” to do so because it would deny them the “natural life” he’s trying to provide (some domestic pet owners still believe this).