by Shall we start removing from art museums the work of all artists who failed to live up to our current moral standards?Every Thursday, read about French-American news, opinions, arts, culture, art de vivre, education, and much more. A sane society needs role models to emulate, not a series of sadly flawed villains who nonetheless made valuable contributions to society — e.g., Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polansky, etc. Matzneff, who said he did not know when he would return to Paris, will be compelled to appear at the start of the trial next year.In many books, Mr. Matzneff writes about his relations with teenage girls in France and sex tourism in the Philippines with boys as young as 8. Dopo la pubblicazione del libro-denuncia di Vanessa Springora, la Francia è scossa.

Matzneff openly talked and wrote about pedophilia, but the dynamic changed after the publication last month of “Fueling an abrupt cultural shift in France, the book touched off the sudden downfall of Mr. Matzneff, who was dropped by his three publishers, stripped of a rare benefit from the French government and abandoned by longtime supporters.On Wednesday, Christophe Girard, the deputy for culture to the mayor of Paris, released a statement on his Mr. Girard also wrote that it was “possible’’ that when he occupied the same position in Paris in 2002, he had written a letter of support that won Mr. Matzneff a seldom-awarded lifetime annual stipend from the National Book Center.Until just a few weeks ago, Mr. Matzneff was recognized as a celebrated writer.

The journalists who have interviewed me for the last three weeks are men and women between the ages of 30 and 40. “They’re so obsessed with appearing to be liberal, especially about these delicate subjects, that they make mistakes.”Is this immunity enjoyed by writers typically French, or could the same sort of scandal happen in North America?Literature is sacred in France. French Writer Gabriel Matzneff has broken his silence on the child sex abuse scandal surrounding him. The Weinstein affair is a case in point.Did the #MeToo movement provoke the Matzneff affair?No, #MeToo is a North American phenomenon.

Their status is changing: Writers are no longer sacred figures; they can no longer commit crimes and use literature as a shield. This is the future. Paris (AFP) Gabriel Matzneff's taste for "those under the age of sixteen" is at the heart of his work, but never one of the adolescent girls seduced by the sulphurous writer had spoken: the editor Vanessa Springora describes a relationship under control in a book that is already shaking the literary world.

Mr. Pierrat declined to comment.Although Mr. Matzneff is not scheduled to appear in court until next year in the case brought by the anti-pedophilia organization, he could face legal challenges sooner if prosecutors decide to charge him in specific cases of abuse.Prosecutors, who have been criticized in recent weeks for their long inaction despite Mr. Matzneff’s avowed pedophilia, are moving on a separate track that could lead to more criminal charges.They said on Tuesday that they would actively seek other victims of the author, and on Wednesday they raided for the second time the headquarters of Gallimard, one of Mr. Matzneff’s publishers, to seize more of his books and manuscripts, according to the French news media.Mr. “Mr. Now no one can believe that he invented his relationships with children. Friend of Matzneff, Philippe Sollers publicly describes it as "Badly fucked".In The world, Josyane Savigneau defends his " foolishness "and ardently defends "The man who loves love".On Twitter these days, she still glorifies him. Mr. Matzneff’s agressive reaction to Mrs. Bombardier’s comments is a clear proof that he feels guilty.Denouncing the sins of the famous is, let us hope, a passing fad.

Matzneff was represented in court by his longtime lawyer and supporter, Emmanuel Pierrat, who is also president of the PEN Club in France, a writers’ association, and the secretary general of a museum in Paris devoted to the fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, who died in 2008 and was one of Mr. Matzneff’s benefactors. Denise Bombardier had the courage to tell Gabriel Matzneff that his behaviour was criminal and that he was hiding his sickness behind the screen of the art of litterature. Donc les chanteurs à succès ont le droit de commettre des crimes sans que personne ne s’en inquiète, tandis que des citoyens lambda innocents sont incarcérés. Très significatif. Ma le esperienze sessuali dello scrittore Gabriel Matzneff, con fanciulli tra i 10 e i 15 anni, erano note, descritte nei suoi libri e perfino raccontate ‘giocosamente’ in tv.

Matzneff, who has been in hiding in the Italian Riviera and did not appear in court, was accused of defending and justifying pedophilia through his many books and public appearances, according to the case filed by The court set September 2021 as the start of the trial, which will scrutinize not only the author’s actions but also those of the French elite who published his books, promoted his career and even helped him evade justice.“Everyone will have to take responsibility,” l’Ange Bleu’s lawyer, Méhana Mouhou, said after the hearing.Mr. Author Vanessa Springora thanked her in her book, France-Amérique: On March 2, 1990, you confronted Gabriel Matzneff on the television show Apostrophes. It takes courage to be the only one in the room calling out the obvious that no one wants to recognize.Denise Bombardier had the courage to tell Gabriel Matzneff that his behaviour was criminal and that he was hiding his sickness behind the screen of the art of litterature. Matzneff said he made up nothing and hid nothing in his diaries.