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Claim or contact us about this channel.A Promise Kept In New York, Paris, London, and other major cities, people lined the streets and crowded around the offices of the White Star Line, the « Titanic »‘s shipping company, to inquire for news of their loved ones and for details about the lives of some of the famous people of their time.Richard Davenport-Hines delves into the fascinating lives of those who ate, drank, reveled, dreamed, and died aboard the mythic ship: Oscars 23 mars A Shore Never Reached With magnificent prose, « Voyagers of the Titanic » also brings to life the untold stories of the ship’s middle and third classes–clergymen, teachers, hoteliers, engineers, shopkeepers, counterjumpers, and clerks–each of whom had a story that not only illuminates the fascinating ship but also the times in which it sailed.While many accounts of the « Titanic »‘s voyage focus on the technical or mechanical aspects of why the ship sank, « Voyagers of the Titanic » follows the stories of the men, women, and utorrrent whose lives intersected on the vessel’s fateful last day, covering the full range of first, second, and third classfrom plutocrats and captains of industry to cobblers and tailors looking for a better life in America.Oui Paramtres du format, QPel: Never An Absolution No Format settings, GMC: Yes Format settings, ReFrames: Thème Film personnaliser le thème Titanesque.
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