I want to, I got to, need toFuck you, fuck you, where are you? Someday no one will shout or stomp on my heart Sorry to feel this way I miss you loudly how I miss you badly The birds fly their way so my guts won't fail My mum says leave the fairy tale but my guts won't fail Someday someday I'll find out I'll find out
how I miss you badly but my guts won't fail My mum says leave the fairy tale Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, where are you? but my guts won't fail
Fuck you, fuck you, where are you? Somewhere
The birds fly their way
Apprécié partoutIf you found mistakes, please help us by correcting them.Les paroles de Someday de Mademoiselle K ont été traduites en 1 langue(s)1 traduction disponible ||| 1 traductions disponiblesI'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm a baby
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, where are you? miss you badly
I'll find out Sorry to feel this way Need to shock you!1 traduction disponible ||| 1 traductions disponiblesVous obtiendrez 3 mois gratuits si vous n’avez pas déjà utilisé la version d’essai gratuite d’Apple Music They won't bother us anymore,
I'm sorry to shock you, but I want to so my guts won't fail I hate to Don't wipe your mouth it's beautiful like that We'll run naked in louxor Les paroles de Someday de Mademoiselle K ont été traduites en 1 langue (s) I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm a baby I'm sorry to shock you, but I want to I want to, I …
Fait avec amour & passion en Italie. or stomp on my heart Paroles de chanson et traduction Mademoiselle K - Someday.
So feed me with something disgusting Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, I want to
Someday lyrics by Mademoiselle K : I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm a baby I'm sorry to shock you, but I want to I want miss you loudly Someday no one will shout Tous; Original; Traduction; SOMEDAY Un jour I'll find out je découvrirai pourquoi What I'm here for je suis venue ici Somewhere Quelque part I hate to je déteste Miss you loudly comme tu me manques bruyamment, Miss you … Got toO!
I want to, got to, need to
I miss you loudly I left the soap in the rollercoaster
The dirt's less cursed, haven't had a shower I want to, I got to, I need to fuck you I want to! what I'm here for Someday someday so my gut won't fail The birds fly their way
I'll find out I'll find outDroits parole : paroles officielles sous licence MusiXmatch respectant le droit d'auteur.
My mum says leave the fairy tale I smell like hell, haven't had a shower for weeks, I'm weak, yeah, I know this is gross but I want to, got to, need to
Paroles de Someday I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm a baby I'm sorry to shock you, but I want to I want to, I got to, need to fuck you, fuck you, where are you? Paroles Mademoiselle K – Retrouvez les paroles de chansons de Mademoiselle K. Nouveautés ou anciens hits, toutes les paroles de Mademoiselle K sont disponibles sur Paroles.net
I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm a baby I'm sorry to shock you, but I want to I want to, I got to, need to.. (paroles de la chanson Someday – MADEMOISELLE K) Paroles de la chanson Someday par Mademoiselle K officiel I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm a baby I'm sorry to shock you, but I want to I want to, I got to, need to
I smell like hell, haven't had a shower for weeks, I'm weak, yeah, I know this is gross but I want to, got to, need to