Un accident de plus dans ce week-end où la montagne a déjà tué cinq fois. Ligue 1 : report du match d'ouverture de la saison entre l'OM et l'As Saint-Etienne pour cause de Covid à Marseille Deux accidents de parapente ont eu lieu ce samedi en Haute-Savoie. The 65-year-old leapt from a mountain ledge in the Alpine resort of Talloires… Couple are caught having SEX during Rio de Janeiro council video conferenceThe big gym mistake women are making after lockdown: PE teacher, 43, reveals how she has changed her...More than SEVENTY workers test positive for Covid-19 at dessert factory that supplies Sainsbury's, Tesco and...Workers spray down venue where police raided 100-strong wedding reception held in spite of Covid lockdown...UK records fewer than 1,000 Covid-19 cases for the first time in a week as 713 more Britons test positive...Could Covid-19 cause type 1 diabetes in children? Un parapentiste britannique se tue à Perroix en Haute-Savoie Accident tragique ce jour au dessus de Talloires... Les circonstances du drame sont non connues à ce jour, une enquête est en cours...[EDIT] : Selon les premiers éléments de l’enquête ouverte pour d Peu après le décollage, la voile d'un sexagénaire s'est soudainement refermée. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/haute-savoie/accident-de-parapente-talloires-haute-savoie-259217.html Pour autant, la pratique du parapente ne fait pas polémique, à l’inverse des disciplines dérivées que sont le base-jump ou le wingsuit. Why lack of SLEEP is the shattering symptom no one warns...Prince Charles 'will not renew lease' on 900-acre 'Duchy Originals' farm after 35 years - because he won't...Chancers who have bled the High Street dry: It takes weapons-grade arrogance for private equity companies to...Italian Supreme Court says parents do NOT have to financially support adult children - overturning ruling...Senior black Met Police inspector sues his OWN force after claiming he was racially profiled by two white...Is it the end of the savings account? Vous souhaitez apprendre le parapente, découvrir le vol biplace, nous sommes là pour nous occuper de tout. ': Friends and family pay tribute to 'Jordan, Corey, Matt and Ryan' - the four...How abuse lies left me traumatised: Lord Brittan's widow slams 'appalling' false claims of VIP paedophile...Next year's rail fare increases should be scrapped and more flexible season tickets introduced to encourage...George Michael's ex Fadi Fawaz 'is arrested over string of hammer attacks on parked cars in east London'Broadcaster James Whale considered throwing a farewell party with friends and then taking his own life after...Boy who was thrown 100 feet from Tate Modern balcony by Jonty Bravery when he was six enjoys first weekend...You had one job! Un homme d’une soixantaine d’année a fait une chute d’une centaine de mètres au-dessus du site d’atterrissage de Planfait. This video is unavailable. Quatre personnes ont été blessées lors de trois accidents ce jeudi 23 juillet, au col de la Forclaz à Talloires-Montmin. Answers to your questions...RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Despite lacking the relevant degrees and diplomas, Jon Andrewes enjoyed a successful...'Clown' Gavin Williamson is savaged by the British press over A-level and GCSE exams 'farce' with calls for...ANDREW PIERCE: From hubris to humiliation... an anatomy of a political shambles This has reset the bar for incompetence: The exams grade scandal leaves us wondering how pupils will ever...What now for university places? METEO. Tragique accident ce mardi à Talloires, en Haute-Savoie. Bienvenue sur le site officiel de Parapente Annecy, premier site de vol libre en Europe. Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés ©2020 France TV Effondrement spectaculaire d'un glacier en Suisse, nouveau symbole de la "crise" du climat pour Greta Thunberg METEO. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. L'accident a eu lieu peu avant 14 heures sur la commune de Talloires, au sud du lac d'Annecy, autour duquel se trouvent plusieurs aires de décollage prisées des pratiquants de parapente. Après une lourde chute, l'homme, gravement blessé au dos, a été hospitalisé.Recevez tous les jours les principales informations de votre région, en vous inscrivant à notre newsletter Vers 14 heures, il survolait le plan d’atterrissage de Planfait … Continued Un homme est décédé en parapente ce mardi 15 janvier en Haute-Savoie en chutant d’une centaine de mètres de hauteur sur la voie publique. Le dramatique accident de parapente s’est produit ce mardi après-midi vers 14h à Talloires. Hilarious workplace mishaps are caught on camera - including a careless landscape gardener...Rise of the childless generation: Women born in the 1960s are twice as likely to have no offspring as those...Think hot flushes are the worst bit of menopause? Chaos as 55,000 students could try to get back into institutions that...Delighted students take to social media to mock government's 'embarrassing' exam U-turn after Ofqual...'Stretched' universities face being overwhelmed by A-level U-turn as up to 55,000 students who missed out on...Piers Morgan and wife Celia burgled as they slept by 'depraved and despicable' thieves who invaded their...Teenager, 18, is fighting for life after being repeatedly stabbed next to a railway crossing in north east...Lesbian influencers spark fierce debate after giving away a vial of SPERM as an Instagram prize, with one...'Keep partying up there guys!