Passengers will also be able to subscribe to network alerts and messages received via the app's messaging system.Keolis, Autocars Dominique and BE Green will be working hand-in-hand with the City of Paris and the inhabitants of Paris’ 15Keolis Downer will operate and maintain a total of 19 buses and has already started the transitional staff (around 20 new employees) and asset handover phase as part of its preparations for a smooth operational start. Elles serviront par exemple de support à la formation des conducteurs afin d’adopter des pratiques d’« éco-conduite ». After three trips have been validated, the daily pass rate is applied, capping the amount paid for an unlimited number of trips the same day. Keolis is fully mobilized in order to start the operations by the end of 2020.In the same year, in France, Keolis launched the 100% hydrogen Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line in Pau and the 100% electric BRT lines of Bayonne-Biarritz and Amiens, making Keolis France’s largest operator of 100% electric networks.In North America, Keolis operates electric buses in Greensboro (North Carolina), Foothill (South California) and Reno (Nevada) in the United States. Keolis a pour ambition d’équiper à minima 750 véhicules d’ici 2021, l’objectif étant de développer de nouvelles solutions métiers.Avec ce projet, Keolis met une nouvelle fois l’innovation technologique au service de la performance industrielle. Keolis a été reconduit par la ville de Pontarlier (18 500 habitants) pour exploiter jusqu’en 2022 son réseau de transport urbain Pontabus. Effective August 2022, it covers the operation and maintenance of 335 fossil-free buses to serve the centre of Stockholm and Lidingö island northeast of the city, home to 400,000 residents.Under this new contract, 15 new electric buses will complete the existing fleet from August 2022, paving the way for the PTA to roll out its electrification strategy for a greener public transportation system. Les établissements scolaires desservis par Keolis Morbihan sont les suivants : Ce centre accueille 121 véhicules pour assurer le service de 20 lignes de bus.Dans le cadre du Grand Paris des bus, nous développons avec Île-de-France Mobilités des lignes de bus Express qui empruntent les grandes voiries pénétrantes vers Orly et Paris. Keolis Cherbourg est une filiale du groupe Keolis, acteur de la mobilité durable, leader du transport public de voyageurs en France. From this difficult period, a new service was born: mobile teleconsultation units.The original contract, due to expire in August 2022, will now run until August 2026 and features the introduction of 15 new fully electric buses to the current fleet.This new milestone reflects SL's confidence in Keolis as a partner to provide a On 3 July 2020, Keolis Sverige, Keolis' Swedish subsidiary, was awarded a four-year contract extension by SL worth 500 million euros.

Keolis will also enhance the passenger experience by implementing an IT system which will allow commuters to keep track of the precise position and arrival time of the next bus and know the number of passengers on board.The 361 km network features 41 lines, 400 bus stations, three depots and carries 80 million passengers annually. Ce centre accueille 85 véhicules pour assurer le service de 19 lignes de bus.Basé à Louvres, les 307 salariés (dont 269 conducteurs) du centre réalisent 5 millions de kilomètres et 8 500 000 voyages par an.

Since launching France’s first public service delegation contract for a truly multimodal mobility network in 2017 (combining all modes of public transport, as well as the parking and bike-share), Dijon Metropole is the now first French metropolis to propose an open payment solution for public transport.Inaugurated on 27 March 2018 on Dijon’s trams, open payment allows passengers (tourists, occasional or regular passengers who have forgotten their ticket) to pay for and validate their journey directly using their contactless payment card or smartphone, regardless of their bank.The service has had excellent results since its launch, far exceeding objectives.Open payment allows users to avoid queues at ticket machines, in stations, or to avoid buying a ticket from the bus driver, which can be more expensive. The joint-venture also operates real-time on-demand transport services in suburban Sydney. They can be reassured that we will focus on safety, continuous improvement, innovation, employee engagement and transparency. Dans le cadre de la nouvelle délégation de service public (DSP), d’une durée de 6 ans, Keolis aura en charge l’exploitation et le développement du réseau de bus, le service de transport dédié aux personnes à mobilité réduite, ainsi que l’intégration des nouvelles mobilités (covoiturage, autopartage et vélo).L’Agglomération Montargoise a décidé d’instaurer la gratuité du transport pour les scolaires, à raison d’un aller–retour quotidien en période scolaire, aux horaires d’ouverture et de fermeture des établissements. Accueil; Lignes régulières et scolaires; Fiches horaires des lignes; Mardi 11 Août 2020.