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For this specific case: count = (count+1) % (N+1) would work.You can do an if-then on one line.

It's a cheat way, but it's effective. One liner if calling an action. Great article.

... How do you perform an if then else statement as a concatenation?

Free 30 Day Trial @johannes-braunias Your method goes against PEP8 standards.That's weird. You can do this: Note that the shorthand syntax is only valid for actual values. However, is there an easier way of writing an Is there a simpler way of writing this? Here's a specific "Yes" example from PEP8 isn't holy writ. '''if 1==1: print('hi')'''It's very much like comprehensions.

? The conditional operator ?

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and The trivial answer is to just write it in one line—but only if you don’t have an else branch: Case 1: You Don’t Have an Else …

Many programming languages have a ternary operator, which define a conditional expression. 1. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our I also find that just typing any complex if then else command, hit enter, and then after it executes just hit the up arrow. – cmsjr Feb 15 '17 at 3:42 3 This answer could be benefited by contrasting this method with the same thing using a multi-line if statement. If condition Then [ statements ] [ Else elsestatements] Or, you can use the block form syntax: If condition Then [ statements ] [ ElseIf condition-n Then [ elseifstatements ]] [ Else [ elsestatements ]] End If The If...Then...Elsestatement syntax has these parts. The most common usage is to make a terse simple conditional assignment statement. Its definitely the easiest to read IMHO. Let’s have a look at all the ways how you can write the if-then-else statement in one line. :, also known as the ternary conditional operator, evaluates a Boolean expression and returns the result of one of the two expressions, depending on whether the Boolean expression evaluates to true or false.. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under How can I cast int to enum? The first syntax is a simple one-line IF THEN ELSE statement where you don’t need to use the END IF statement.

Although I'd say your solution is more readable than this.

As a rule I use ternary only if the If/Else is a ‘single line of code’ <— Yes this is variable depending on screen size. @msw: well, when it comes to ternary operations, I always prefer the first one. The Overflow Blog You can use it with constants and functions (It is not clear to me if I can omit else, can I just have 'Yes' if fruit == 'Apple'?You can't omit the else when using the ternary form, it results in a syntax error, but you could do a normal if in one line , I updated the samples to illustrate.This answer could be benefited by contrasting this method with the same thing using a multi-line if statement.Can someone explain why this isn't the best answer?
One-liner if statements, how to convert this if-else-statement. 1. You can't omit the else when using the ternary form, it results in a syntax error, but you could do a normal if in one line , I updated the samples to illustrate. If your program would be better with this syntax, it's fine.But aren't both values computed, no matter what [] is? However, in the second syntax, the true_code part is in the second line. : operator (C# reference) 03/06/2020; 2 minutes to read +5; In this article. I'm just getting into Python and I really like the terseness of the syntax. Eight. The syntax for the conditional operator is as follows:

I mean, in Objective-C I would write this as:- the ternary operator.