Notre balade commence aux Avants (970 m) qui fait partie de la commune de Montreux. But it never really started to rain.

Légendes portail des courses CAS From there we took a cable car – we were the only people in it – up to Lauchernalp from where we followed the signs across slopes I had skied down and then up to the Pass. 1740 m) via le col de Bonaudon sur la Grande Chaux et les Rochers de Naye ; T3, Station de Jaman - Station Rochers de Naye env. Si vous partez de l'arrêt Jor, empruntez le sentier qui remonte dans la … Luckily M. didn’t want all of her Calvados so I was able to cut the cream with a little of that. The weather was now extraordinary: warm, with a little breeze, puffy white clouds, and she was out and about in Montreux on her bicycle. jaman-les-avants-206. Son domaine de travail comprend la randonnée alpine et en montagne dans les Alpes fribourgeoises ainsi que la randonnée à raquettes dans les Alpes bernoises, fribourgeoises et vaudoises.Avertissements de danger actuels du portail des courses du CAS.Kletterverbote, saisonale Einschränkungen oder Verhaltensempfehlungen.Les 50 itinéraires les plus récents du portail des courses du CAS. The pass is connected to Les Avants by a paved road. A kilometer or so in the hike as we were following a stream or going under some railroad grade, she asked another member of the group about the up-coming trip to the Via Ferrata, which is a climbing route with permanently fixed cables and something for novice climbers. The best thing at the garden was seeing yet more of the beans planted Friday before last poking up through the soil!The evening’s viewing started with the very disappointing The Jesus Rolls by John Turturro (just silly) but we then switched to Downhill, a black comedy with Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. We got off the train before Brig and took a bus up into Lötschental where I had gone skiing back in February. It is from the top of this short walk that I took the photo below of the Jaman area.Ski Dehors is not well-frequented and as I was basically going in there by myself I texted Christine when I went in and went I got out.Turning north from the top of the boot pack trail, one looks down, first, on the untouched cold snow, then the Col de Jaman, then the ridge going north to Cape au Moine.There are a few choke points here. via the Baye de Montreux) we should aim for the ridge on the south side of stream and go down through Caux. A new owner is however planning to reopen the restaurant.The next day dawned clear but the weather report was not encouraging: clouds coming in the afternoon with strong storms possible. So the alternative was the Sunday hike which was to be a very easy walk through the cow-studded countryside near Châtel St. Denis. I looked in my calendar later to see what I could have been doing that day, and there is nothing in particular.Just as I was getting ready to retrieve my wallet, they said, well, they had sent it to the US Consulate in Geneva.

It is a bit hard to believe that anyone would do that: while no single part of that descent looked impossible, the whole was far scarier than the sum of the parts.The plan was to hike down the north side of the pass and then take a bus from Selden in Gasternal (read about our first visit ot Gasterntal in 2004 in one of the first entries in this blog) down to Kandersteg. Cette farce s'est déroulée dans la vallée d'Allières, au sud du Restaurant de la Croix-de-Fer, au pied du Col de Jaman. Le tronçon d’arête au N du col de Bonaudon présente quelques belles dents.

I continued up the garden and captured the wisteria over the steps down through the vineyard that we had wanted to capture on our way to the station a few hours earlier but were too pressed for time to do! jaman-les-avants-205. This actually makes some sense, as there was nothing in the wallet that indicated an address in Switzerland, and so, if it were the wallet of an American tourist, then it would make some sense that such a tourist might call the Consulate. Montée de 4 km au Col de Jaman (1511 m) par la Forêt de Jor. This is one of the theme that Pynchon evoked in Gravity’s Rainbox: a kind of subterranean connectedness of seemingly disparate things.The “jet d’eau” at Geneva rises straight out of the lake.

Jesus what do I do besides study the hell out of French, ski, bike and go to work??

%PDF-1.5 and another old edifice on an adjacent hill probably 600′ above the village and reached via another funicular.Of course today the entire village seemed deserted. After some animated discussion about the terrible state of Swiss public schooling and an assessment of the new version of the newspaper ( they need to separate the obits by region!) When I look from the paper, not ten seconds later, I see a poster for a music festival where will be appearing, along with Jethro Tull (still touring?? But it was a nice day and neither of us had pressing engagements.

Une lampe de poche, ou idéalement une lampe frontale, est nécessaire pour la montée dans la grotte.

1¾ Std. We took off our boots and sat on a bench which occupied the exact spot where, ten years ago, we had lunch with Philippe and Antoinette on the same day that we visited Chillon. But for me it seemed a case of so near, yet so far. No one had been over to this side. I declined to order the créme baquet, which was described to me as thick double cream and sounded to me like an invitation to a heart attack. Now I know that a Sunday walk of three hours is actually an engagement for six or seven, and requires a lunch!We occasionally must stop and wait, but not too long, for the more elder part of the contingent to catch up. I gave her a last minute gift of a waterproof backpack cover, which I had purchase some time ago and which I don’t need as my Deuter backpack came with one built in.