[Fm F C# G# G#m Am Dm] Chords for Herbie Hancock - Cantaloupe Island - Piano Tutorial with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Download printable PDF. comments; Cantaloupe Island Tab Highlighted Show chords diagrams. [G Fm Cm G#m C# Dm] Chords for Cantaloupe Island (114bpm) : Backing track with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Tuning: Standard (e B G D A e) 4 Time Signature: 4 If you have any questions, Email me at jpkvortex1@hotmail.com. Check out the second chord over Fm7 (10-8-6), that’s the one with the big stretch. But, if you struggle with that chord, … There are plenty of options to have some fun with this idea once you are comfortable!One idea you’ll hear many bass players use over the D minor section, in bars 9 -12, is to create a 2 bar phrase where the original chord idea stays the same in the first bar and a bass fill is placed in the second bar.To create the fill I’m going to use the D Minor Pentatonic Scale. Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for you.www.cifraclub.com.br/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/partituras/www.ultimate-guitar.com/pro/?artist=Herbie+Hancock&song=Cantaloupe+Island&utm_source=911tabs&utm_medium=Song&utm_campaign=Listtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_btab.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_tab.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_ver3_guitar_pro.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_guitar_pro.htmwww.tabcrawler.com/archive.php?action=view&file_id=95410&artist=hancock herbie&song=cantaloupe islandtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_power_tab.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_ver2_guitar_pro.htmwww.guitartabs.cc/tabs/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_btab.htmlwww.guitartabs.cc/tabs/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_tab.htmlwww.guitartabs.cc/tabs/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_tab_ver_2.htmltabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_ver2_tab.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_ver3_tab.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_ver4_guitar_pro.htmtabs.ultimate-guitar.com/h/herbie_hancock/cantaloupe_island_ver5_guitar_pro.htmwww.basscamera.com/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-islandwww.jellynote.com/sheet-music-tabs/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/528e318aa6c199735454f539www.jellynote.com/sheet-music-tabs/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/5076e06ad2235a7374cdcb4dwww.jellynote.com/sheet-music-tabs/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/5076e069d2235a7374cdcb4bwww.jellynote.com/sheet-music-tabs/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/55a0afe3cc2961061056fa2cwww.tabondant.com/eng/tabs/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island#56482 www.cifraclub.com.br/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/cifraclub.terra.com.br/herbie-hancock/cantaloupe-island/Hi!
***** | / Slide up | ~ Vibrato ***** X. Fm7 Fm7 D 7 Dm7 Intro Tema 1 Cantaloupe Island Herbie Hancock. Cantaloupe IslandCantaloupe Island - Piano - Musikagentur Pianist - Peter HoehnLa La Land - Epilogue Advanced Piano Cover With Sheet MusicAll contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only.Chords for Herbie Hancock - Cantaloupe Island - Piano Tutorial If you get asked to perform Cantaloupe Island there’s also a good chance you’ll also get asked to play another Herbie Hancock tune which we covered on the eBassGuitar Blog last week -I also encourage you to check the original recording because it has the legendary Ron Carter on double bass from the album 1964 Empyrean Isles.If you want to get the backing track used in this lesson, you can get it as part of The Jazz Jam Backing Track Album Volume 1 - this is a collection of the 12 most popular Jazz songs beginner to intermediate bass guitar players will find on jam sessions.
Jazz Free preview. Cantaloupe Island Riff Position 2. Over time your fingers will be able to stretch more across the fretboard and that chord will become playable.Once you have both positions down, play them back to back over the track to hear how they sound the same, but have slightly different tonal qualities.To those having a problem with the STRETCH, Set a compo on fret one or fret five and finger the other two strings.
Transpose, print or convert, download Jazz PDF and learn to play Beginner Piano score in minutes. Aprenda a tocar a cifra de Cantaloupe Island (Herbie Hancock) no Cifra Club. In fact, I found much more uncomfortable the 1-4-5 stretch in the first position than the 6-8-10 in the second one!Copyright Jazz Guitar Online 2020 © All rights Reserved. This uses the octave, flat 7th and 5th of each respective chord and falls nicely under the hand using the box shape. It can be broken down into the following 4 bar sections:4 Bars of Db7 (This chord is completely unrelated to the F Minor key signature!