?Please enter your username or email address. My confusion is she regrets that she had to fight Arhan or whatever bullshit she was spitting. Tags . The difference is one wanted the other’s warmth, and the other wanted submission.Though Ianna’s life ended in a heated battle against Arhad, the Kingdom’s emperor, she is reincarnated into the same life for reasons unknown.Two people who faced misery in their previous life now have a chance to meet again.
Reminiscence Adonis › capítulo 20 ... ‹ Anterior › Siguiente. They both only cared about themselves, and were madly obsessed with each other. Will the same tragedy repeat itself, or can Ianna change the course of history?Is it just me that love Ianna more than the ML and I’m a girl toothe blonde… is cute but i like his dark side more how come i understand this better than my courses ? Full Color 66%. (╥﹏╥)Man. Ianna and Arhad had much in common. 5th, it has 352.1K monthly views. The difference is one wanted the other's warmth, and the other wanted submission. Ianna and Arhad had much in common. They already confessed to each otherYes! Ianna and Arhad had much in common. Rank. MangaNelo - Read Manga Online for Free | mangatensei ... ... mangatensei !no you did a very good job :3 Thanks for the updateOmg Ianna just cutee tho Arhad iz kind of obsessed over her but still like him :3Is she saying she’s not like lalatua? Reminiscence Adonis. Show 1 spoiler tags External & Streaming links Official Site Official Site KakaoPage (KO) Description. They both only cared about themselves, and were madly obsessed with each other. Finalizar › Atención: los comentarios se han ocultado para impedir spoiler y acelerar la velocidad de carga, se mostrarán cuando hayas terminado el capítulo. Donar a MangaMx. Though Ianna's life ended in a heated battle against Arhad, the Kingdom's emperor, she is reincarnated into the same life for reasons unknown. Female Protagonist 79%. Two people who faced misery in their previous …
update fastest, most full, synthesized with high-quality images, Read manga like one piece. 11:53. OH MY SOW QOT I AAAAAAAAA ARHAD AKKAKSKAKAKWWKSKKSSKKSSKKSKSKSKS THEIR BOTH SOW CUTE SKSKWOWJDDNWMSNSNDNDWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AEJI’S FACE AND REACTION WHAHAHAHAHSHSHWAHAHHAAHHAAHHA THE FL IS SOW CUL HOLEH QHAHAHAHAHAHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH SHE’S SOW PISSED XKMDDKKDKSKSSKSKD I LOVE THIS MANHWA XKKSKSKDKDKSKSHAHAHAHAPlease enter your username or email address. - Duration: 11:53. Afterlife 20%. Alternative. What changed instead was everything around her as somehow everyone that was important in her first life suddenly started going to the same school at the same time. I cant stop laughing hahahahahahaAwww how possesive you are Arhad. Reminiscence Adonis Average 4.4 / 5 out of 1.1K.
⚡Reminiscence Adonis⚡ ⚡Chapter 5⚡ ⚡#do_not_share #just_save ⚡ He shares the same roygar bahamut name with arhad right? Reincarnation 79%. Arhad really loves you but you didn’t realize that and NEVER acknowledge his feelings..urggh..same dimwit girlAnd i don’t quite grab the true existence of arhad (arhad roygar bahamut)Even though she’s mean.. She just wanted her daughter to live her to the fullest Ok i kind of understand..then who is aeji belongs to?? ?Man… I saw it— EVEN IF ITD JUUST A LITTLE I WOULD LUV TO SSEE ARHAD’S ABS WAHAHHSHSHSSHHS HEUEHEUEHEUEHE (◕ω◕ )the way we all understand this even though it’s a whole damn essayI live him thats it the ML has takehn me heartu a wayhu o(≧∇≦o)(•⊙ω⊙•) WWEEEE WAT IS DIS? We hope to bring you happy moments.
Ianna and Arhad had much in common.
Martial Arts 20%.
They both only cared about themselves, and were madly obsessed with each other. Join and discuss Swordplay 79%. Just kiss already. They both only cared about themselves, and were madly obsessed with each other. Spoiler (mouse over to view) Besides learning how to fight at an earlier age, she barely changed after reincarnation. then why, chapter 9, she said that she did not received the love of … Enjoy high quality manga. They both only cared about themselves, and were madly obsessed with each other. Mostrar comentarios. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Reminiscence Adonis. Read manga online free at MangaNelo, update fastest, most full, synthesized 24h free with high-quality images. 98 videos Play all Reminiscence Adonis The hope Won’t die; ... Vinland Saga Episode 104 'THE FETTERED TERN 4' (Spoiler Alert!) Vinland Saga 2 Recommended for you. Manga/LN/VN. Reminiscence Adonis : Ianna doesn't love Arhad? Will the same tragedy repeat itself, or can Ianna change the course of history?because the only thing that matters is what he wants I really hate that Harace’s “half-brother” *says annoyed*Yeah sis take that back rn u r a beautiful queen xDWhat the f*ck baby Aeiji are you a pervert hahahahahahaDon’t even dare touch my baby ianna you ugly pig a**holeThats what tou get from insulting my baby ianna you ugly pig…Kyaaaaaaaah how cute you are arhad…. Título: Reminiscence Adonis Autor: Hye-Dol Género: Acción, Drama, Historia, Reencarnación, Sobrenatural, Militar, Romance, Supervivencia, Magia, Fantasía, Webcomic Capítulos: por el momento 88 Estado: En emisión Sinopsis: Ianna Roberstain, después de encabezar un ejército en nombre del emperador, muere a manos del hombre que más amo, pero también que más odio. Reading free and latest manga online. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. The difference is one wanted the other’s warmth, and the other wanted submission. It made me love you even more hahahahaPlease do not let the MC fall in love with that sick psychopath, who is willing to do anything (even kill the MC) so that the protagonist belongs to him.Ianna if you’re not pretty then what do you call me? The difference is one wanted the other’s warmth, and the other wanted submission.Though Ianna’s life ended in a heated battle against Arhad, the Kingdom’s emperor, she is reincarnated into the same life for reasons unknown.Two people who faced misery in their previous life now have a chance to meet again. Great confession Arhad! Ianna and Arhad had much in common.