Așa că am putea urez noroc în persoană.
Examples translated by humans: bonne, bonam, libero, fortunam, bona nox, bona aqua, convivium, bona fide.
Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Usage Frequency: 1 We use cookies to enhance your experience. Vérifiez les traductions 'bonne chance' en Latin. Usage Frequency: 25 Last Update:
Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Contextual translation of "bonne chance" from French into Latin. souhaiter bonne chance. to wish sb sth.
souhaiter bien du plaisir. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites.We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our
Usage Frequency: 4 Last Update:
Da. Last Update:
souhaiter qch à qn. wish the best luck. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies.
Translation Dictionary Spell check Conjugation Synonyms Grammar Documents and website translation Corporate solutions Newsletter Help & about. Contextual translation of "bonne chance mon amour" from French into Latin.
to hope to do sth. Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Contextual translation of "je voudais juste te souhaiter bonne chance" into English. en …
Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update:
v. wish good luck. אני יודע שהם מנתחים אותך עכשיו, אבל רק רציתי להגיד בהצלחה. Usage Frequency: 2 Last Update: Am vrut doar să-i urez succes agentului nostru. Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Doar să-ți urez succes la primul caz de la revenire.
Je venais juste te souhaiter bonne chance. Oui mais bonne chance pour le tracer à partir d'eux. Cherchez des exemples de traductions bonne chance dans des phrases, écoutez à la prononciation et apprenez la grammaire. Human translations with examples: voui, Êðàñèâî, good luck, good luck, good luck, good karma.
Usage Frequency: 5 Last Update: למעשה, תרשו לי להיות הראשון שיאחל לכם בהצלחה.
Usage Frequency: 1 The snake shall bring you down while the ladder will get you up!
souhaiter la bienvenue à. exp.
souhaiter la bienvenue.
exp. Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: souhaiter la bonne année à qn to wish sb a happy New Year Nous vous souhaitons une bonne année.